Opening ECOSOC Segment of the HLPF and 2019 HL Political Ministerial Segment, 29 th Meeting HLPF 16 July 2019
Opening ECOSOC Segment of the HLPF and 2019 HL Political Ministerial Segment, 29 th Meeting HLPF 16 July 2019 General Assembly
President, ECOSOC:
First view a performance followed by statements of youth and children followed by statements from members. She has undertaken to
include the voices of youth and children which should be the new normal to have them consistently and systematically heard. They are our
partners in creating a more just and sustainable world. Many are already taken action and in many cases are the primary drivers of social
and environmental change.
Part I: Cultural event dance and music by Gruppo Jobel on the theme of the HLPF, empowering people, ensuring inclusiveness and
Children and Youth: Darius, Emil, Maurice and others
Czech Republic female– Goal 4 Incredibly important to engage young people to work with our peers and world leaders. Quality education
is key. When she was 13, she was learning about geography through race and ethnicity. Text books included what she thought were swear
words. In 10 th grade, she moved to another school where she was encouraged to think about global issues and was empowered by her
curriculum and how people could stand in solidarity to make a difference. Education has the power to unify or divide. She organized Friday
for Future climate strike. Quality education should be the right of all to ensure that all young people have that access.
16 year old female from the Philippines: some economies are described as rising stars but she asks why is this economic growth not felt or
shared by many. She comes from a humble community far from the metropolitan cities. We see poverty; parents with low paying jobs and
difficulty sending their children to school. Darker picture: trafficking, prostitution, other forms of exploitation – girls of her age. It has been
normalized. Let us lead in the conversation on poverty. Challenged all: paint a new picture with us – one of equality
Darius, recent US high school grad, musician (played Carnegie Hall at 15): use of art to create more inclusive societies. He only had 4 fingers.
He is competitive mindset and wanted to prove people wrong that he could perform and through music, inspire people. Urged all not to
give up whether you are young, old, have a disability or come from a minority group. Urged that all be treated equally to follow their
dreams and passions.
Girl 14 year old from Mongolia - Goal 13 Parents in their 40’s spoke about their childhood summer. Two to three cars are outside of houses;
rivers are drying out – leaving only their names. Mom spoke about white snow in winter; skiing, playing outside in the clear air. Now air is
polluted; so many apartments; need to go far away to ski. About 527 lakes and streams have dried. Land has become desert. Need
environmental protection. Do not fight for today but for tomorrow. Peers: love the earth for our future.
Emil from the UAE on Goal 16 He is Norwegian and British Indian living in the UAE. He was shy and now is confident due to his schooling.
Only at national and international level can peace and security an opportunity. We are fighting for our future dealing with the mistakes of
others. We need to be treated equally regardless of our faith, gender or sexual orientation. SDGs are waiting to be met. We can come
Official opening (had signing) 3 – day Ministerial Segment
Agenda item 5: High Level Segment
President, ECOSOC: HLPF has kept alive enthusiasm and energy of the SDGs. HLPF thematic reviews have mobilized countries around the 17
SDGs, leaving no one behind. Has heard 142 VNRs, tracked progress based on data and science; looked ahead; heard from our children and
we owe it to them to realize the future that they want; we know we need to do more, faster, more transformatively. Group of Friends of
VNRs will support aims. Colombia and Lichtenstein who will capture September Summit. Bahamas and Sweden leading us to an agreement
and action oriented Political Declaration. We will listen to your ideas for review of the HLPF format. Hope that states come back with
ambitious commitments.
UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres: HLPF has kept a spotlight on the SDGs. Nearly 50 countries this year will present VNRs. You are
analyzing progress on countries in special situations. Reflect more deeply in the inclusion imperative. Development must be fair and
inclusive. We see inequality erodes public trust, undermines human rights, peace and prosperity while see transformative results of equality
particularly of women. Leaving no one behind is at the heart of our efforts but global picture is unsettling. Salute many leaders who have
risen to the 2030 challenge but must step up to meet our goals by 2030. Inequalities is disturbingly high because a handful of men hold
same wealth as half of humanity; wage rates have stagnated; 4 billion lack social security; women continue to be hampered by damaging
laws and violence; improvements in some areas but struggle to reach those furthest behind – eg adolescent girls and those with disabilities.
Civil society organizations and human rights defenders are facing increasing levels of intimidation; rising climate change – highest level of
greenhouse gas concentration; higher sea levels at an accelerated pace. Planet will record the 5 warmest on record 2015-2019.
1. Scale up PP reverse downward trends of ODA; support to mobilize domestic resources; fight illicit flows; massive investments in quality
education – learning how to learn across the span of a lifetime; long term market investments that generate decent work in rural areas
2. Shift to green economy – create jobs; must help people acquire new skills and investment in green economy. Replenish Green Climate
Fund from public and private sources for mediation and adaptation
3. Step up Global compact for safe migration.
4. Leaving no one behind is linked to human rights, diplomacy, and prevention. Need a strengthened commitment to end extreme poverty.
Tackle root causes. In September, series of meetings will take place. Asked leaders to come.
President of the GA: must prioritize implementation based on what worked and what didn’t. September Summit is the outcome of our
efforts and is the greatest milestone to reaffirm our commitments to our people. Commended consensus HLPF Political Declaration. Use 5
days in September to announce specific steps that respond to urgency. Quoted Eleanor Roosevelt: tomorrow is today.
Keynote: Ms. Mary Robinson, Chair of the Elders
So glad that we began with art for the earth and eloquent voices from young people. SDGs together with Paris Agreement are tangible
proof of multinationals not self-interest of isolationism. Report of IPCC on global warming has made clear that below 1.5 degree is the only
safe level for the whole world. UN Report in May 2019 on loss of biodiversity and potential extinction of 1 million species. Paris Agreement
should not be voluntary but must implement Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement requiring a change in mindset. Need political will.
Carbon emissions increased in 2018. We have a global crisis. HLPF provides opportunity of what states have achieved and what needs to be
done so when they come in September leaders will know where we stand and what we should.
Focused on SDG 13 on climate change and SDG 16 for peace and justice for all are her particular interests. Group of Elders founded by
Nelson Mandela. Explained that we should be governed by African principle of Ubuntu, sense that we are only a part of humanity through
our fellow human beings. What sort of world do we want to leave to our children/grandchildren? Must mobilize action and respect human
rights and leave no one behind. Justice runs throughout the SDGs. Talks about climate justice – poorest are paying the highest price. Need
to move away from fossil fuels and extraction. Too often justice systems cater to the few not the many. Pakistani Supreme Court and
Kazakhstan and others launched a report that estimated failure to deliver justice; in low income countries cost more than 2% of GDP;
violence against women is estimated to cost….Cost would be as little as $20 to deliver justice access. Need a people centered approach. We
will hear inspiring examples of strengthening access to justice. We must devote attention and resources to address root causes of conflict
and injustice. Ban Ki-moon is deputy chair of the Group of Elders. He quoted SG Dag Hammarskjold: When we all play safe, we create a
world of utmost insecurity; dark shade of courage alone that the spell will be broken. Need to recognize and protect those working on
behalf of justice including civil society groups to be essential partners.
Mr. Richard Curtis, film director, SDGs advocate: He has written many drafts of this speech that is factual but that may not be what is
needed. I am still slightly an outsider so it is my job to represent those who don’t know what the SDGs or PGA (golf?) but they know who is
the SG (not a secretary; nor a general) and that the UN carries their hopes and dreams. I had prepared report with facts. My prime message
is to graduate those making VNRs and mentioned England. In his heart to those indigenous in Australia and to his son marching for climate.
1. PGA mentioned partnership of which he is one. He came to the UN in 2014 we formed Project Everyone to help tell the world about the
SDGs, designing logos, text, huge number of partners on tv, radio, online, etc. There are so many partners for the SDGs. We are on a
boat in wild seas and we need all. Partners – governments, churches who have campaigned for change, trade unionists, employees
proud of their companies, pension providers, insurance companies, civil society, tech leaders, young and older activists, scientists,
technologists, environments, funders, etc. Support partnerships and member states should seek more.
2. Urgency – SDGs give deadline for urgent need for the planet and people. Never forget what is happening to millions. When in 1985 he
started solving homelessness and went to Ethiopia and Sudan to see dire circumstances. SDGs cannot wait to implement. Enumerated
several examples. Support GAVI, COPs, Global Fund, World Bank, etc. Focus on targets.
3. Unique Opportunity in the SDGs. Must end extreme poverty; deal with climate change; end inequality and injustice. Next year is 2020,
one third of a way to 2030. Cannot wait. If we don’t people will think we settled for bronze not gold. Must provide energy and
information with a visionary planning session on where to go. We must make a decisive commitment. Global popular campaign will
begin midnight January 1, 2020 will be campaigning nosily in media, online, etc. in village squares. Called “We the Peoples”. UN must
commitment to an annual UNGA meeting on the SDGs informed by the HLPF. SDGs brilliantly linked together the issues but they do not
allow us a get out. Now is the moment to go for broke with radical partnerships and a sense of this unique opportunity. You have power
who could and must make this happen.
Mr. Hoesung, Chair of Intergovernmental on climate change
1. Climate warming is impacting negatively on SDGs
2. Ambitious Paris goals helps achieve most SDGs and has trade offs with balancing a challenge
3. Ambitious climate actions provide new opportunities contingent on social justice and equity
Offered information on climate change:
1. Most land regions are experiencing greater warmer eg in Artic region is 2-3 times higher. Up to 40% of the world’s population live in
areas where the warming already exceeds 1.5 degree warmer. Resulting in migration.
2. Five years ago, we completed an assessment and told about the relationship of increased migration due to climate change.
3. 4 regions face disproportional higher risk: Arctic, small island regions, landlocked and LDCs with crop yields being effected; impact on
health and agriculture.
4. SDG several areas of setbacks: rise in hunger; existence of pockets of extreme poverty; increase in malaria; gaps in education; lack of
5. Risks to development is less at 1.5 degrees than 2 degrees and higher will result in risks of failure to meet SDGs with 50% fewer people
exposed to water shortage; 50% in impact on insects; 10 million fewer exposed..ten fold increase in sea melting. Western part of Africa
will benefit.
6. Energy productivity and consumption with less demand for energy and materials must occur. What is needed is enabling marketing
conditions with prices related to societal costs, etc.; investment in carbon neutral options are rewarded leading to slow down in request
for energy making transition to carbon neutral much easier. Failing to achieve to this will increase more reliance on carbon dioxide
removal from the atmosphere.
7. Limiting warming to 1.5% has been found not possible with inequality, lack of international cooperation. Need access to finance and
technology for vulnerable regions and developing countries. Those with dependence on fossil fuels for revenue and employment face
8. Redistributive policies can resolve tradeoffs and help public acceptability.
9. We need collective actions at all levels to limit global warming at 1.5 degree
President of 108 th Labor Conference to hand over ILO Centenary Declaration on the Future of Work adopted 21 st June
Meeting was adjourned at 10:14 am.
I have meeting outside of the UN for the rest of today.
VNR Labs:
“Innovative formats to review national implementation”
1:15 – 2:45 pm S-2726/27
“Storytelling and Communication Strategies for the SDGs” S-2726
Local Action for Global Commitments 10 am – 6 pm CR 11
President, ECOSOC:
First view a performance followed by statements of youth and children followed by statements from members. She has undertaken to
include the voices of youth and children which should be the new normal to have them consistently and systematically heard. They are our
partners in creating a more just and sustainable world. Many are already taken action and in many cases are the primary drivers of social
and environmental change.
Part I: Cultural event dance and music by Gruppo Jobel on the theme of the HLPF, empowering people, ensuring inclusiveness and
Children and Youth: Darius, Emil, Maurice and others
Czech Republic female– Goal 4 Incredibly important to engage young people to work with our peers and world leaders. Quality education
is key. When she was 13, she was learning about geography through race and ethnicity. Text books included what she thought were swear
words. In 10 th grade, she moved to another school where she was encouraged to think about global issues and was empowered by her
curriculum and how people could stand in solidarity to make a difference. Education has the power to unify or divide. She organized Friday
for Future climate strike. Quality education should be the right of all to ensure that all young people have that access.
16 year old female from the Philippines: some economies are described as rising stars but she asks why is this economic growth not felt or
shared by many. She comes from a humble community far from the metropolitan cities. We see poverty; parents with low paying jobs and
difficulty sending their children to school. Darker picture: trafficking, prostitution, other forms of exploitation – girls of her age. It has been
normalized. Let us lead in the conversation on poverty. Challenged all: paint a new picture with us – one of equality
Darius, recent US high school grad, musician (played Carnegie Hall at 15): use of art to create more inclusive societies. He only had 4 fingers.
He is competitive mindset and wanted to prove people wrong that he could perform and through music, inspire people. Urged all not to
give up whether you are young, old, have a disability or come from a minority group. Urged that all be treated equally to follow their
dreams and passions.
Girl 14 year old from Mongolia - Goal 13 Parents in their 40’s spoke about their childhood summer. Two to three cars are outside of houses;
rivers are drying out – leaving only their names. Mom spoke about white snow in winter; skiing, playing outside in the clear air. Now air is
polluted; so many apartments; need to go far away to ski. About 527 lakes and streams have dried. Land has become desert. Need
environmental protection. Do not fight for today but for tomorrow. Peers: love the earth for our future.
Emil from the UAE on Goal 16 He is Norwegian and British Indian living in the UAE. He was shy and now is confident due to his schooling.
Only at national and international level can peace and security an opportunity. We are fighting for our future dealing with the mistakes of
others. We need to be treated equally regardless of our faith, gender or sexual orientation. SDGs are waiting to be met. We can come
Official opening (had signing) 3 – day Ministerial Segment
Agenda item 5: High Level Segment
President, ECOSOC: HLPF has kept alive enthusiasm and energy of the SDGs. HLPF thematic reviews have mobilized countries around the 17
SDGs, leaving no one behind. Has heard 142 VNRs, tracked progress based on data and science; looked ahead; heard from our children and
we owe it to them to realize the future that they want; we know we need to do more, faster, more transformatively. Group of Friends of
VNRs will support aims. Colombia and Lichtenstein who will capture September Summit. Bahamas and Sweden leading us to an agreement
and action oriented Political Declaration. We will listen to your ideas for review of the HLPF format. Hope that states come back with
ambitious commitments.
UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres: HLPF has kept a spotlight on the SDGs. Nearly 50 countries this year will present VNRs. You are
analyzing progress on countries in special situations. Reflect more deeply in the inclusion imperative. Development must be fair and
inclusive. We see inequality erodes public trust, undermines human rights, peace and prosperity while see transformative results of equality
particularly of women. Leaving no one behind is at the heart of our efforts but global picture is unsettling. Salute many leaders who have
risen to the 2030 challenge but must step up to meet our goals by 2030. Inequalities is disturbingly high because a handful of men hold
same wealth as half of humanity; wage rates have stagnated; 4 billion lack social security; women continue to be hampered by damaging
laws and violence; improvements in some areas but struggle to reach those furthest behind – eg adolescent girls and those with disabilities.
Civil society organizations and human rights defenders are facing increasing levels of intimidation; rising climate change – highest level of
greenhouse gas concentration; higher sea levels at an accelerated pace. Planet will record the 5 warmest on record 2015-2019.
1. Scale up PP reverse downward trends of ODA; support to mobilize domestic resources; fight illicit flows; massive investments in quality
education – learning how to learn across the span of a lifetime; long term market investments that generate decent work in rural areas
2. Shift to green economy – create jobs; must help people acquire new skills and investment in green economy. Replenish Green Climate
Fund from public and private sources for mediation and adaptation
3. Step up Global compact for safe migration.
4. Leaving no one behind is linked to human rights, diplomacy, and prevention. Need a strengthened commitment to end extreme poverty.
Tackle root causes. In September, series of meetings will take place. Asked leaders to come.
President of the GA: must prioritize implementation based on what worked and what didn’t. September Summit is the outcome of our
efforts and is the greatest milestone to reaffirm our commitments to our people. Commended consensus HLPF Political Declaration. Use 5
days in September to announce specific steps that respond to urgency. Quoted Eleanor Roosevelt: tomorrow is today.
Keynote: Ms. Mary Robinson, Chair of the Elders
So glad that we began with art for the earth and eloquent voices from young people. SDGs together with Paris Agreement are tangible
proof of multinationals not self-interest of isolationism. Report of IPCC on global warming has made clear that below 1.5 degree is the only
safe level for the whole world. UN Report in May 2019 on loss of biodiversity and potential extinction of 1 million species. Paris Agreement
should not be voluntary but must implement Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement requiring a change in mindset. Need political will.
Carbon emissions increased in 2018. We have a global crisis. HLPF provides opportunity of what states have achieved and what needs to be
done so when they come in September leaders will know where we stand and what we should.
Focused on SDG 13 on climate change and SDG 16 for peace and justice for all are her particular interests. Group of Elders founded by
Nelson Mandela. Explained that we should be governed by African principle of Ubuntu, sense that we are only a part of humanity through
our fellow human beings. What sort of world do we want to leave to our children/grandchildren? Must mobilize action and respect human
rights and leave no one behind. Justice runs throughout the SDGs. Talks about climate justice – poorest are paying the highest price. Need
to move away from fossil fuels and extraction. Too often justice systems cater to the few not the many. Pakistani Supreme Court and
Kazakhstan and others launched a report that estimated failure to deliver justice; in low income countries cost more than 2% of GDP;
violence against women is estimated to cost….Cost would be as little as $20 to deliver justice access. Need a people centered approach. We
will hear inspiring examples of strengthening access to justice. We must devote attention and resources to address root causes of conflict
and injustice. Ban Ki-moon is deputy chair of the Group of Elders. He quoted SG Dag Hammarskjold: When we all play safe, we create a
world of utmost insecurity; dark shade of courage alone that the spell will be broken. Need to recognize and protect those working on
behalf of justice including civil society groups to be essential partners.
Mr. Richard Curtis, film director, SDGs advocate: He has written many drafts of this speech that is factual but that may not be what is
needed. I am still slightly an outsider so it is my job to represent those who don’t know what the SDGs or PGA (golf?) but they know who is
the SG (not a secretary; nor a general) and that the UN carries their hopes and dreams. I had prepared report with facts. My prime message
is to graduate those making VNRs and mentioned England. In his heart to those indigenous in Australia and to his son marching for climate.
1. PGA mentioned partnership of which he is one. He came to the UN in 2014 we formed Project Everyone to help tell the world about the
SDGs, designing logos, text, huge number of partners on tv, radio, online, etc. There are so many partners for the SDGs. We are on a
boat in wild seas and we need all. Partners – governments, churches who have campaigned for change, trade unionists, employees
proud of their companies, pension providers, insurance companies, civil society, tech leaders, young and older activists, scientists,
technologists, environments, funders, etc. Support partnerships and member states should seek more.
2. Urgency – SDGs give deadline for urgent need for the planet and people. Never forget what is happening to millions. When in 1985 he
started solving homelessness and went to Ethiopia and Sudan to see dire circumstances. SDGs cannot wait to implement. Enumerated
several examples. Support GAVI, COPs, Global Fund, World Bank, etc. Focus on targets.
3. Unique Opportunity in the SDGs. Must end extreme poverty; deal with climate change; end inequality and injustice. Next year is 2020,
one third of a way to 2030. Cannot wait. If we don’t people will think we settled for bronze not gold. Must provide energy and
information with a visionary planning session on where to go. We must make a decisive commitment. Global popular campaign will
begin midnight January 1, 2020 will be campaigning nosily in media, online, etc. in village squares. Called “We the Peoples”. UN must
commitment to an annual UNGA meeting on the SDGs informed by the HLPF. SDGs brilliantly linked together the issues but they do not
allow us a get out. Now is the moment to go for broke with radical partnerships and a sense of this unique opportunity. You have power
who could and must make this happen.
Mr. Hoesung, Chair of Intergovernmental on climate change
1. Climate warming is impacting negatively on SDGs
2. Ambitious Paris goals helps achieve most SDGs and has trade offs with balancing a challenge
3. Ambitious climate actions provide new opportunities contingent on social justice and equity
Offered information on climate change:
1. Most land regions are experiencing greater warmer eg in Artic region is 2-3 times higher. Up to 40% of the world’s population live in
areas where the warming already exceeds 1.5 degree warmer. Resulting in migration.
2. Five years ago, we completed an assessment and told about the relationship of increased migration due to climate change.
3. 4 regions face disproportional higher risk: Arctic, small island regions, landlocked and LDCs with crop yields being effected; impact on
health and agriculture.
4. SDG several areas of setbacks: rise in hunger; existence of pockets of extreme poverty; increase in malaria; gaps in education; lack of
5. Risks to development is less at 1.5 degrees than 2 degrees and higher will result in risks of failure to meet SDGs with 50% fewer people
exposed to water shortage; 50% in impact on insects; 10 million fewer exposed..ten fold increase in sea melting. Western part of Africa
will benefit.
6. Energy productivity and consumption with less demand for energy and materials must occur. What is needed is enabling marketing
conditions with prices related to societal costs, etc.; investment in carbon neutral options are rewarded leading to slow down in request
for energy making transition to carbon neutral much easier. Failing to achieve to this will increase more reliance on carbon dioxide
removal from the atmosphere.
7. Limiting warming to 1.5% has been found not possible with inequality, lack of international cooperation. Need access to finance and
technology for vulnerable regions and developing countries. Those with dependence on fossil fuels for revenue and employment face
8. Redistributive policies can resolve tradeoffs and help public acceptability.
9. We need collective actions at all levels to limit global warming at 1.5 degree
President of 108 th Labor Conference to hand over ILO Centenary Declaration on the Future of Work adopted 21 st June
Meeting was adjourned at 10:14 am.
I have meeting outside of the UN for the rest of today.
VNR Labs:
“Innovative formats to review national implementation”
1:15 – 2:45 pm S-2726/27
“Storytelling and Communication Strategies for the SDGs” S-2726
Local Action for Global Commitments 10 am – 6 pm CR 11